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REDDIT() - function in me.scolastico.tools.etc.TableGeneratorThemes
Get a new TableGenerator with this theme:


refresh() - function in io.ebean.BaseModel
registerCommand(Object) - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleManager
registerModule(Object) - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.WebserverManager
Register and module into the webserver manager.
registerNewLogLineRoutine(Routine) - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleManager
registerTask(SchedulerConfiguration) - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Register your SchedulerConfiguration and enable it for automatic scheduling.
removeConfiguration(long) - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Remove a SchedulerConfiguration so it wont run again.
Routine - class in me.scolastico.tools.routine
The routine interface which is needed for all routine jobs.
RoutineAnswer - class in me.scolastico.tools.routine
A data holder for the routines module.
RoutineManager - class in me.scolastico.tools.routine
With the routine manager you can divide long functions into sections which can then also be executed asynchronously.
RSAConverter - class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa
Several conversion functions for RSA and PEM keys
RSACrypt - class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa
Encrypt and decrypt bytes or a string.
RSAGenerator - class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa
RSA KeyPair generator
RSAValidator - class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa
Validate RSA PEM keys.
RST_SIMPLE() - function in me.scolastico.tools.etc.TableGeneratorThemes
Get a new TableGenerator with this theme:


run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.commands.StatusCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.commands.HeadCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.commands.ClearScreenCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.commands.ExitCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.commands.HelpCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.AddPermissionCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.ChangePasswordCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.CreateUserCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.DeletePermissionCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.DeleteUserCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.ListPermissionsCommand
run() - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands.ListUserCommand
runCommand(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleManager
runMigrations() - function in me.scolastico.tools.ebean.DatabaseConnector
Run database migrations.
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