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DatabaseConfig - class in me.scolastico.tools.ebean
Data holder with database config values.
DatabaseConnector - class in me.scolastico.tools.ebean
Database connector for easy connection with ebean databases.
DatabaseMigrationGenerator - class in me.scolastico.tools.ebean
DatabaseMigrationGenerator to generate ebean migration dll's.
DataBaseType - class in me.scolastico.tools.ebean
All available database types
db() - function in io.ebean.BaseModel
decodeURL(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
Decode your URL.
decryptToBytes(PrivateKey,String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa.RSACrypt
Decrypt a base 64 encrypted message with an RSA private key.
decryptToString(PrivateKey,String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa.RSACrypt
Decrypt a base 64 encrypted message with an RSA private key.
delete() - function in io.ebean.BaseModel
delete() - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Delete the file.
deletePermanent() - function in io.ebean.BaseModel
DeletePermissionCommand - class in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands
DeleteUserCommand - class in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.commands
delId(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.cache.CacheData
delObject(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.cache.CacheData
describeConstable() - function in java.lang.constant.DataBaseType
describeConstable() - function in java.lang.constant.CacheTypes
destroy() - function in me.scolastico.tools.cache.CacheManager
Destroy ALL items in the cache.
destroy(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.cache.CacheManager
Delete an item by its id.
destroyOld() - function in me.scolastico.tools.cache.CacheManager
Destroy old cache items that expired.
disable() - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
To disable the output recorder call this function!
disable() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleLoadingAnimation
Disable and remove the loading animation.
DOTS() - function in me.scolastico.tools.etc.TableGeneratorThemes
Get a new TableGenerator with this theme:
:  :  :
:  :  :
DOUBLE - enum entry in me.scolastico.tools.cache.CacheTypes
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