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enable() - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
To enable the output recorder call this function!
enable() - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Enable the SchedulerHandler.
enable() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleManager
enable() - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleLoadingAnimation
Enable the loading animation and take over print stream to prevent output while loading.
enable(boolean) - function in me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleLoadingAnimation
Enable the loading animation.
enableCatchUncaughtException() - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Enable the exception handling for uncaught exceptions.
enableErrorLogFile() - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Enable the 'error.log' file to which the stack traces will also be written.
enableSentry(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
To enable sentry reporting past the sentry dns string to this function!
enableSentry(String,Double,String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
To enable sentry reporting past the sentry dns string to this function!
encodeURL(String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
Encode your URL.
encrypt(PublicKey,String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa.RSACrypt
Encrypt a string with an RSA public key.
encrypt(PublicKey,Array) - function in me.scolastico.tools.simplified.rsa.RSACrypt
Encrypt a byte array with an RSA public key.
ErrorHandler - class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
Handle your errors automatically.
execute(HashMap) - function in me.scolastico.tools.routine.Routine
The maim execute function for this routine job.
execute(TypeAliased(typeAlias=Nullable(inner=GenericTypeConstructor(dri=kotlin.collections/HashMap///PointingToDeclaration/, projections=[, ], presentableName=null, extra=PropertyContainer(map={}))), inner=Nullable(inner=GenericTypeConstructor(dri=java.util/HashMap///PointingToDeclaration/, projections=[, ], presentableName=null, extra=PropertyContainer(map={}))))) - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.etc.NewLogLineEventHandler
The maim execute function for this routine job.
executeCommand(String,String) - function in me.scolastico.tools.web.admin.web.AdminPanelAPI.Companion
Internal function to execute a command for an admin panel user.
executeTick(Long) - function in me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Its not recommended to use this function manually.
ExitCommand - class in me.scolastico.tools.console.commands
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